Семинар ?Recognising and rating the retrievability of implied meanings in a narrative text: does foreign language processing make a difference??
18 января в 16:00 по московскому времени
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The ability to understand texts includes retrieving implied meanings. This may pose challenges to children, elders and language learners, but supposedly not to adults with typical development. This study investigates how often and how easily young adults identify implied meanings in a narrative text presented in their native vs a foreign language.
The findings show that, in the population tested, the retrieval of implied meanings was not hampered in foreign language, with the exception of presuppositions, and that the perceived low degree of difficulty of the questions was not always matched by comprehension accuracy. This suggests that, even in a native language, comprehension of implied meanings may benefit from instructional practice.
Sara Gesuato (Сара Джезуато) — кандидат филологических наук, профессор Отделения лингвистики и литературы в Падуанском университете.